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Writer's picturecowmama60barnes

“Divine Trust”

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we TRUST in the name of the LORD our GOD”. Psalm 20:7

Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Psalm 37:3


Trust is a hard thing to come by in the world. When you are surrounded by people who only have their best interests at heart, it can be very hard to find someone you can confide in. The thought of giving a person a glance into your heart and your mind can be scary. People are capable of convincing you that you can trust them, but the moment you confide in them, they are already thinking of telling someone else about everything that you've just shared with them. People are capable of smiling in your face and talking behind your back at the same time. Such actions leave very little desire to trust people and let them into your life. Fortunately, with God we don't have such worries. We know that God has our lives in his hands and this gives us peace. It does not scare us and it definitely does not give us any reason to worry. God truly is the only one who has your best interests at heart. Everything He guides you to or through is for your benefit. This is why he constantly urges us to follow the guiding of His Spirit. He isn't trying to control us. He is trying to prevent us from experiencing anything detrimental to our health and wellbeing as his children. Think of an interaction between a child and their parent. A child may walk into the living room and tell their parent that they are ready to drive a car. The parent will look at his eight year old child and tell them that they are not ready to drive. The child might become upset and think that their parent is trying to stifle their dreams. But the parent is actually protecting them. If the child tries to drive at their young age, they will end up injuring or even killing themselves. The same thing happens with God. He knows us better than we know ourselves and because of this, some of the things he may guide us to do might not make sense in the moment, but when we take a look at our lives later, we realize that everything that he guided us to do actually does make sense. This is why David could confidently tell God that he has committed his spirit into God's hands. He is the only one who can truly protect us, guide us, and prepare us for anything life tries to throw in our direction.


Father in Heaven thank you, for being with us, we Trust in you, and pray you continue to Guide us with your Holy Spirit to do your will not our will, in our Powerful Savior Jesus’ name we pray. Amen!

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