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Come Dance with Me

Come dance with me

through life's adventures

of winding roads and

beautiful days.

Come dance with me

through life's obstacles

and uncertainty,

sorrow or pain.

Come dance with me

let's take this awesome

trip called life

created by God alone.

Come dance with me

creating memories

all along the


Come dance with me

open and free.

Come dance with me

through eternity.....

Now many who read this will picture a person asking their partner, or friend, or sister, or brother to dance with them.

And to be truthful when I first wrote it that's what I was seeing too. Two people dancing together through life.

But now this poem has a much different meaning to me. When I read this poem I see Jesus saying "Come follow me", because as we all know when you dance with someone especially when you waltz, or slow dance, or salsa, or cumbia, or even "jitter bug" you need to follow your partner's lead for each step.

When Jesus said " Come follow me" he wasn't just referring to blind obedience like sheep. He expects us to watch and learn the "steps" for a peaceful life. He expects us to not only "follow" his lead but learn the steps to Life's dance.

There was a TV show I used to watch "Grey's Anatomy" where the main character was a woman becoming a doctor who would dance when she was upset or overwhelmed with life. She said she was " dancing it out" and she would put on music and just randomly start dancing by her self or a friend would join her and they would jump and shake and twirl around randomly until they were laughing and exhausted. Then they would collapse and feel calmed down.

Jesus is asking us to do the same thing.....when we do random kind acts for others, or talk to someone about Him, or help someone find their way back to Him we are doing "Life's dance". We are dancing with Jesus.

Life is a dance, sometimes it is a waltz, sometimes it is a slow dance, sometimes it is a jitter bug, or maybe a Polka, salsa, cumbia or whatever dance you can think of but if you think about it you can picture it as a dance.

So when life becomes hard and difficult just remember who your dance partner is ... Jesus and he is saying "Come dance with me through eternity". Follow his lead and enjoy the dance.

Author: Bernice Barnes

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